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Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Beginning with the A-Z series of ubiquitous things around us, the first letter in the Alphabet ‘A’. And what is to be found more commonly starting with the letter ‘A’.....

“Owners of dreams as large as mountains, yet tiny specks on this majestic Earth
Forward we believe, together we achieve – each step gaining rich human mirth”

Yup! You guessed it right –
Ants are by far the most common living creature that all of us come across quite regularly in the span of our lives – or rather should I say even after life, cause these little insects, so comfortable thriving in graveyards are proudly responsible for decomposing our human bodies while we peacefully rest in peace. Mostly considered as pests, we humans have little tolerance to their existence within our spheres of comfort and we look upon every chance to wipe them out of our vicinity. However annoying might their unwanted presence be, it is surprising to know that most of the ant species simply live with the desire to share our food – and just a miniscule if you may! But there are a few villain ants who aim for sadistic pleasure – biting, and stinging and injecting venom into their targeted victims! Of these ants – you better beware!
Yet no matter how small they may appear, or how absolutely insignificant their existence might seem, there is a lot to learn from this tiny yet mighty insect – the *Ant*! So, while the internet is full of fun facts and amazing things that we can learn from ants, here’s a set of 10 totally cool facts about a little insect with big powersthe biggest being its ability to inspire us into becoming better humans! 

Fact #1
The tiny crazily running about insect in your kitchen seems to live by the motto – Why waste time?! A little ant never sleeps in its entire lifetime – much inspiration for sleep addicts to get up and *Carpe Diem* :D

Fact #2

While technically that would mean becoming Mr. Hulk and being able to lift a car, that is not exactly the inspiration. The ant believes and all the required strength comes from within – humans need to so learn this attitude - *Can do it, Will do it!*

Fact #3

Ants are*socially responsible* towards their community – when they find something to eat, rather than just gulping it down their own throat, they send out signals to call the others. Their concern for each other’s survival is so supreme that they have an extra stomach just to feed another hungry ant! Now if we humans were so considerate and cooperative in our living, then the world would be a different place altogether!

Fact #4

Talk about the upsurge for *gender equality*, lo and behold! Here is an entire species thriving on the existence of its females; all workers and soldiers as well as the queen being the descendent of Eve. Who says the world is a place for men?! Ladies, let’s show the world what we can do!

Fact #5

Barring the frozen ice sheets of Antarctica, these less than a centimetre insect can be found all over the world. Inspiration to humans? Well no, Alexander took the wrong note here – its not about conquering all continents, rather exploring and enjoying the ravishing beauty that every part of this *exquisite planet* has to offer.

Fact #6

One look at the intricately designed and meticulously organized colonies and any architect would feel belittled. Ants truly believe - *Team work makes the dream work* and trusting each other completely, they work tirelessly towards creating one of the most awe-inspiring structures for their living.

Fact #7

And so none of them actually speak! That surely gives a big insight on the importance of communication without words – *Body Language* if it must be termed. While it is factually believed that the verbal component accounts for a mere 7% towards successful human conversation, the success of ant-ly coordination in the complete absence of hearing and talking seals the supremacy of body language in conveying the message across. Sir, mind that frown please!

Fact #8

*Size does not matter!* If at all a species is bound to take over the Earth after the humans – it’ll be the ants. They outnumber us completely, farm other species like us humans, plan and coordinate extensively, and to top it all can completely hide in the smallest of crooks and corners! No wonder the latest addition in the long list of superheroes had to be none other than The ANT MAN!

Fact #9

Mr. Grasshopper would love to put in a comment or so here! Ants work in the present considering the contingencies that the future might pose. A big lesson that we might learn to best avoid troubles ahead – planning for the future is essential and the ants know it right!

Fact #10

Place a finger in an ant’s path, and it will instantaneously try and scurry around it... Keep interfering in the little one’s path for as long as you have the time to idle away, but the energetic giant of a *Never say never* attitude will truly never quit. We can surely take a lot from this last one here – *No  matter what the world says, no matter where the road takes... The believer has faith and never says die, and that’s how all it makes*

Super duper cool, isn’t it?! No wonder its true - *All big things come in small packages*! The Ant sure has a lot to offer for learning, after all, as they say ...
Just to add in here, I’d love to mention – *Antz* , a great flick to catch up while this post gives you food for thought.
After all every ant has its day.... Way to go, Ant-Zee! ;)

So that's the 'A' and if you watch the movie then Zee as well... :D

Be back soon with the next ubiquitous thing in life starting with B.
Till then keep flashing that lovely smile of yours....! :)
Live it up @ Life720!!  

***** Ciao, Amigos! *****


  1. Hey Niti!

    Great start to your journey. The way you have explained the life's story and lessons with the help of such a small creature is amazing. Your thinking has given the whole concept of life a new dimension.
    Thanks for sharing it.
    Will wait for B, infact all of them. :-) :-)
